Who are we?
A Home To EnergyTech Professionals
Ignite The Spark is the ultimate destination for all things related to Israeli energy innovation. We are a community that promotes EnergyTech in Israel, with an emphasis on the following Sub Sectors of Energy:
Renewable and Conventional Energy Sources
Methods for Storing Energy
Energy Efficiency & Smart Loads
Hydrogen, T&D Advanced Technologies, CCUS, and Much More!
Our community was born out of the need to bring together all key stakeholders in the field under one roof. We serve as the central meeting point that enables direct communication and the seamless transfer of information.
Our online and offline platforms serve as a central hub for industry publications and valuable insights. Join our vibrant community, where connections are forged, partnerships are formed, and new ventures take shape in the heart of the energy innovation landscape.
Today, we are proud to have over 3500+ community members and have 3 sub-communities: Women in Energy, Ignite Academia, and Ignite International.
As an ongoing commitment to our members, we like to keep our community informed about all our latest developments. We are constantly updating our site with exciting news and announcements on our latest community happenings, and are happy to share them with you.