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Green Energy Turbines

Academia Hub

Welcome to Ignite Academia Hub!


A platform dedicated to empowering students in the realm of clean energy. Here, you'll find a comprehensive hub of opportunities including courses, scholarships, podcasts, videos, and educational resources tailored specifically for those passionate about making a positive impact in the energy sector.

Whether you're seeking to deepen your knowledge, or stay informed through engaging multimedia content, our platform is designed to support and inspire your journey towards a sustainable and cleaner energy future.


Join us in exploring, learning, and seizing the opportunities that pave the way for a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Image by Nick Morrison


Enroll to Energy related courses and webinars from around the world


Scholarships, jobs & more

See the latest opportunities

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Podcasts, videos & more

Deepen your knowledge in a fun way



Renewable Energy Specialization

Renewable Energy Technologies and Implementation. Build a comprehensive understanding of renewable energy technologies, projects, grid integration, and future prospects!


Renewable Energy from Beginner to Expert

The complete course on carbon-neutral energy: PV Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal, Bio, Nuclear fusion, Hydrogen & Storage


Renewable Energy - A Course Series | SDGPlus

The energy sector, economics of renewable energy, transition to renewable energy and more


TU Delft Solar Energy course

Energy converstion, photovoltaics, history of solar energy and more


MITx: Sustainable Energy

earn to critically analyze modern energy technologies from engineering and socio-political perspectives, and gain the skills necessary to...

Scholarships, jobs & more

The latest opportunities - just for you.

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Student scholarships in the energy sector, earth and ocean sciences

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Careers at The Israel Electric Corp.


Green Jobs Israel

Last day of submission: 22.10.2023

PLANETech job board

Podcasts, videos & more

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